
Acai Bowl

Jul 15, 2016

Let’s face it. Unless you’ve been living under a complete rock or have been living on Mars, chances are you’ve heard numerous things about Acai berries. The Amazonian Superfood has taken the world by storm and has created one of the most trendiest breakfast recipes we’ve yet to see- the Acai Bowl. Acai is jam packed with antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids (like those in red wine), and full of healthy omegas.

Acai bowls consist of two layers. The base is blended, consisting of one frozen banana, a handful of blueberries, a tablespoon (15 grams) of Acai powder, a tablespoon (15 grams) of Cacao powder, and a splash of unsweetened almond or coconut milk. However, the top layer is completely up to you!

Traditionally, it’s been paired with chia seeds, hemp seeds, fresh or dried fruit, crushed nuts, and granola. One of my favorite places in New York City is Two Hands (Little Italy District). Not only do they make amazing Acai Bowls but that’s only one out of twenty great things they serve. It’s definitely one of New York’s staple cafés.



チアシード、ヘンプシード、新鮮もしくはドライフルーツ、クラッシュしたナッツやグラノーラとの組み合わせもよく見られます。ニューヨークで気に入っているお店の一つは、Two Hands(Little Italy地区)です。アサイーボールだけでなく、それを含め20種類もの素晴らしいメニューを提供しています。ニューヨークで主要なカフェのひとつとして間違いありません。