
Maple Water

Sep 15, 2016

If you’ve been hooked on the coconut water trend chances are you’ve caught wind of maple water. I know what you’re all thinking… Maple water? Oddly enough maple trees produce watery sap, as opposed to the sticky-glue-like sap that immediately comes to our minds. Map sap is the raw ingredient in male syrup, which, once aggressively boiled down produces the syrup we all cherish when it comes to our pancake topping.

There are apparently 46 naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, antioxidants and prebiotics in this sap-based water. The thought is that since maple water comes about as a rejuvenating source of nutrients and minerals for the tree after winter, the inkling is that maple water does good for the human body as well.

Happy Tree (one of the leading maple water brands) strives to preserve the maple forests and tap the trees in a completely sustainable way. They are also apart of the Non GMO verified project and are USDA Organic. Unlike other maple water brands, Happy Tree has indulged its customers by creating Lemon, Ginger, and even Coffee maple water.

Maple water has yet to be on the market long enough for scientists to really tackle the nutritional benefits of this emerging drink. However, with only 35 calories a bottle for it’s harmless to see what all the rage is about.



Happy Tree(メープルウォーターを先導するブランド)は楓の森を守ろうとし、持続できる方法で抽出している。彼らは、遺伝子組み換えでない、オーガニック商品を実証する企業に属しています。他のメープルウォーターブランドにはないように、Happy Treeは、レモン、ジンジャー、更にはコーヒー味のメープルウォーターを作り、顧客を喜ばせています。
