
One Leaf Does It All

Oct 14, 2016

Many of us don’t realize but while you’re out scouring department store shelves and drugstore corridors for the latest, or most effective beauty elixirs, you’ll find powerful do it yourself (DIY) remedies in your own kitchen or garden. While coconut oil and honey have received much attention it’s now time to turn to aloe vera. Aloe’s known to soothe sunburns but that’s all we really recognize it for- well except for the recent trend of aloe vera water and juice. Nonetheless, aloe vera is a time-honored, natural ingredient that can be used in a variety of different treatments.

Want longer lashes? Are your under eyes puffy? Tired of buying makeup remover? Need help fighting acne? Want stronger nails? Are your lips perpetually dry? Have hyperpigmentation issues? Well surprisingly aloe helps with all of this. I know what most of you are thinking… longer lashes? Take a teaspoon of aloe vera gel with one teaspoon of black castor oil, and then apply the blend to your lashes with a clean mascara wand before bed. The plants gel is also a natural anti-inflammatory- hence why it soothes blisters and sunburns. Blot some underneath you eyes to see a reduction in puffiness. While you have the gel readily available, apply some to a cotton pad and swipe over your skin to clean off foundation and other excess products. If your nails feel brittle simply blend two spoonfuls of aloe and another two spoonfuls of witch hazel. Doing this on a regular basis with a q-tip (cotton swab) will immediately make them look shinier and help strengthen them over time.

Aloe is known for its vitamin E properties however; it also contains vitamin C as well. Vitamin C helps aid against dark spots so if you’re having any pigmentation issues apply some gel to any marks or acne scars nightly. You’ll be surprised to see the difference. And lastly, chapped lips are almost inevitable considering colder weather is upon us. No need to waste money at the drugstore when you can mix a teaspoon of liquid coconut oil with one teaspoon of aloe vera gel, and another teaspoon of Vaseline or Aquarphor. Mix together in a small container and let it harden. Once it’s solid apply regularly or as needed.

Most supermarkets sell aloe vera leafs. Make sure you buy it fresh and one leaf can definitely help you make all of these at home remedies. Remember, beauty starts in your kitchen and garden.



