
Tiger Nuts

Nov 1, 2016

First came chia seeds, and then it was goji berries, with acai hot on their heels. Now however, health experts are eulogizing the health benefits of an exciting new superfood to add to our smoothie/snack list. Recently all over the world we’re starting to a see a new type of “nut” in our grocery aisles. The name might be misleading but tiger nuts are not, in fact, nuts. They’re actually small root vegetables, which encompassed 80% of our Paleo ancestors’ diet around 2 million years ago. This ancient superfood originates from Africa and is now currently being cultivated in West Africa and Spain. Tiger nuts are currently the number one source of Resistant Starch, a prebiotic fiber that resists digestion and becomes fuel for our probiotic bacteria.

Prebiotics act as food for your body’s natural organisms. They help your gut’s natural probiotics thrive. And shockingly enough, a single ounce of this root vegetable has 40% of our daily-recommended fiber for only 120 calories. They may look a little odd however; they make an excellent healthy snack to subdue any outbreak of mid-afternoon munchies. For that reason alone, Brooklyn, NYC-based company Organic Gemini created a succession of products around this food item including a crew of flavored horchata beverages (introducing tiger nut milk), gluten-free flour, and granola. Tiger nuts have also been popular for their weight loss and anti aging benefits. Who would have ever thought this little tuber would have as much iron as red meat and spinach, and as much potassium as coconut water. So don’t be put off by this chickpea-sized, nut-like vegetable. Grab a handful of them today and remember, by nourishing our gut bacteria we are helping to ensure our immune system as well.


プレバイオティクスは、体の自然なオーガニズムに食物と同様に作用します。あなたの内臓(腸)が元々持っているプレバイオティクスを成長させてくれます。そして、衝撃的ですが、この根菜の1オンスはたったの120カロリーで、我々の1日で取るべき繊維質の40%を占めています。見た目は風変わりかもしれませんが、午後のおやつにはとても素晴らしい食物です。ニューヨーク、ブルックリンをベースとする会社Organic Geminiは、フレーバーhorchata(オルチャータ)ドリンク(タイガーナッツミルクを紹介している)、グルテンフリーの小麦粉やグラノーラを含むアイテムの生産を成功させています。タイガーナッツは、減量やアンチエージングの効果でも良く知られています。この小さな塊茎に、赤身のお肉やホウレンソウと同様の鉄分量や、ココナッツウォーターに匹敵するカリウムを含んでいると、誰が想像するでしょうか?この小粒で、ナッツのような野菜を見逃さないでください。今日、一掴み試してみましょう、そして腸のバクテリアに栄養を与える事ことによって、確実に免疫システムも助けてくれることになるでしょう。