
Manuka Honey

Dec 15, 2016

There’s been a big buzz (no pun intended) around Manuka honey these days. So what sets regular honey and this one apart? Found in New Zealand, is one of the most unique and beneficial forms of honey in the world. Regular raw honey is already known for its nutritional and immune boosting abilities. Typical raw unfiltered honey is rich in amino acids, B vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Yet with Manuka honey, the nutritional content is up to 4 times that of normal flower honeys. Furthermore, Manuka has a considerably higher level of enzymes than regular honey. These enzymes create a natural hydrogen peroxide that work as an antibacterial. Some strains are particualry rich in hydrogen peroxide, methylgloyoxal (MG), and dihydroxyacetone.

This trilogy helps make up what’s referred to as the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF), which is a global standard in identifying and measuring the antibacterial strength of Manuka. In other words, the UMF is a guarantee that the honey being sold is at a medicinal quality. UMF is not found in the nectar of all Manuka flowers and typically regular Manuka only contains hydrogen peroxide antibacterial property that’s common to most types of honey. What sets them apart is that it contains both the natural hydrogen peroxide and its own natural UMF antibacterial property, which vastly enhances the effectiveness. Unlike other honeys, they’re not easily destroyed by heat, light, and enzymes in the body.

So what are some of these benefits you might be wondering? It’s a great nutritional supplement, helps relieve gastritis, prevents and repairs damage to the colon, boosts immunity, protects from common cold and flu, is a cough remedy, improves dental health, can be used as skincare, helps resolve rosacea, eczema and hives, heals cuts and burns faster, reduces hair loss and helps with dandruff and scalp problems, along with a slew of other benefits.


この3つの要素は、世界共通の抗菌成分を表す数値として名付けられた、ユニーク・マヌカ・ファクター(UMF)という値を作り上げています。言い換えると、UMFは医療用としても販売されていることを保証します。UMFは全てのマヌカに言えることではなく、普通のマヌカは、他の蜂蜜にあるような過酸化水素と抗菌作用しかありません。その違いは、自然の過酸化水素とそれ自身のUMF 抗菌の特性で、効果を増進できるということ。更に、熱、光、体内の酵素で成分が壊されにくくなっています。
