
Vitamin E

Mar 15, 2017

Not only does ingesting Vitamin E help bring beauty to the body but topically applying it to the skin does more then one would think. Lately, we’ve been seeing a multitude of beauty products infused with Vitamin E oils, however a really simple way to get all of the benefits is to take the capsules and poke a small hole in it and squeeze the oil out. What exactly is great about pure Vitamin E oil? Many of us don’t realize this but the benefits of Vitamin E can be attributed to the fact that it’s an antioxidant as well as a nutrient. The oil improves immunity, since the antioxidants help rid free radicals that damage the body. Vitamin E oil also helps combat stretch marks, dark scaring, helps prevent skin cancer (when mixed with a sunscreen), helps to cure eczema psoriasis, and even cold sores!

Wrinkles are something we all think about and want to prevent as much as possible. Wrinkles come from age, free radical damage, improper skincare and poor habits (smoking and drinking alcohol in surplus). Vitamin E oil helps prevent for formation of wrinkles by blocking free radical damage. It also treats wrinkles by encouraging collagen construction, a connective tissue that keeps skin elastic. Furthermore, it also treats wrinkles by supporting new skin cell growth and speeding up cell regeneration. Brown spots on the skin also come with the aging process, mainly from free radical damage and poor liver function. Vitamin E oil prevents and helps tremendously repair that damage. When applied topically to brown spots, it helps lighten and smooth rough skin by lubricating cell membranes and encouraging cell revival. Not only is this oil great for your skin, but your hair as well. When massaged on your scalp it improves blood circulation and will add tremendous shine and can actually help speed up the hair growing process. Many spas are using this oil to help combat hair loss and even help with grey hairs. Though Vitamin E is great for skin and hair it’s not ideal to be used as a daily moisturizer because it’s so thick and potentially sticky. Just remember, a little goes a long way and one capsule of Vitamin E oil can last for a couple days.

