
Are You Over Your New Year’s Resolutions? Take A Look At These 4 Tips

Jan 17, 2022


While the start of a new year can feel like an incredible moment to ring in goals that support all facets of well-being, the idea or term “New Year’s Resolutions” tends to be met with a lot of hesitancy. This is primarily because resolutions per se, typically don’t get us too far. Shockingly, only about 19 percent of all people stick to their resolutions long term. Not to mention, in 2018, Strava, a social network for athletes, analyzed more than 31.5 million fitness records from its users and found that the second Friday in January is the dreadful day when most of our annual commitments start to curtail. So for 2022, that would be January 14th. Before we head into our self-deprecating downward spiral, let’s focus on the things we can control, our habits.

Most of your colossal, transformative changes that happen in your life occur day by day, one small habit at a time, whether you are aware of it or not. The crucial component to achieving your goals is to create ones that you will actually stick to. While there are a multitude of ways for maintaining resolutions, we have rounded up four feasible tips that you can start implementing today.

1. Prepare And Don’t Rely On Motivation
As humans, we love diving headfirst into our lofty visions for the new year. While there is nothing wrong with that, it’s been shown time and time again that our motivation is short-lived. What makes a difference in executing your resolutions? A plan of action that you’re going to follow through with. The more simplified your goal(s) alongside an action plan is a surefire way to help ensure you will be setting yourself up for success.

As James Clear, a New York Times Best Selling Author notes, “If you don’t plan out your behaviors, then you rely on your willpower and motivation to inspire you to act. But if you do plan out when and where you are going to perform a new behavior, your goal has a time and a space to live in the real world. This shift in perspective allows your environment to act as a cue for your new behavior.” Ultimately, planning out when and where you will perform a particular behavior or task, turns your environment into a trigger for action. If you want to successfully achieve your goals, having a plan for exactly how and when you’re going to execute them will get you there a lot swifter.

2. Make Your Resolution Your Habit
It’s immensely helpful to treat your goal as a habit. By doing so, you are putting these behaviors on autopilot. Once these actions start to feel like second nature, it’s much easier to make them a mainstay in your routine. Research has shown that about 40 percent of what we do every day is governed by habits. If you have habits that work for you, you will have a much easier time achieving these new goals you’re looking to bring in. As far as how to create a habit that lasts? Take a habit you would like to have. For example, “I want to become an avid reader.” This doesn’t just happen overnight, nor would anyone expect you to become a voracious reader spontaneously.

However, micro-habits are small yet powerful catalysts for change. Break your habit down into an easy to accomplish everyday activity. Such as setting a goal to read for five minutes. Over time, you can assess where this fits into your schedule and more importantly, if it’s something you want to continue. Essentially, you are trying on your new habit first. If this is something that suits you, you just created an attainable way of accomplishing your underlying resolution of becoming an avid reader. When it comes to how you want to practice this with other goals, it’s really up to you and how you operate. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for setting up habits. Individuals are going to differ on when they feel most creative, productive, etc. It’s paramount to learn what works for you and test various methods to see what sticks.

3. Track Your Progress
Our brains love rewards, so celebrate your small wins. Tracking your progress can genuinely help with boosting the lasting change you are trying to implement. Have you ever noticed that when you monitor behaviors or tasks, you tend to start doing better at them, even if you’re not consciously trying to change? Tracking these behaviors in a journal or note-taking app can help you reinforce this behavior. When we do something every day, it subtly goes into autopilot, making it that much easier to continue. Especially if the habit tracking method you’re using uses streaks, as most people don’t want to break them. The satisfaction of completing yet another day helps us to keep going. Even the simple act of tracking can be a helpful reminder that you set this resolution for a reason. It helps to remember your “why” behind the goals you set, which many individuals often seem to let go of after the first week of January. The more you can connect to your “why” the better of a chance you will have to maintain this change.

If this sounds appealing, there are numerous ways to track your habits. You don’t need anything fancy, but if you want to, we get it. Simply Google “habit tracker” and you’ll find many free printable options. If you’re looking for a different modality, try The Clear Habit Journal, made by James Clear, who wrote Atomic Habits, an NYT bestseller. Gretchen Rubin is another fantastic source in the habit space. She has her Don’t Break The Chain Habit Tracker (https://the-happiness-project.com/products/dont-break-the-chain-habit-tracker) that people constantly rave about. Whichever route you choose, know that monitoring your habits can ultimately help with reaching your overarching goals.

4. Give Yourself Compassion
Lastly, if you try a habit or a technique that doesn’t ultimately suit you, offer yourself compassion. You might just need to try a different approach or reevaluate your goal entirely. It’s completely normal to get discouraged when something that worked out unquestionably well for someone else doesn’t work out for you. It’s easy to get caught up in the comparison trap of, “What’s wrong with me? I should be able to do this if I try hard enough.” Instead of repeating self-doubting phrases that will surely become a mainstay in your mind, try exploring the thoughts of, “I am having a human experience. There is nothing wrong with me, and more importantly, I have learned something about myself. Though this tool didn’t work for me, I’m going to try a different approach.” Leading by compassion and reassessing will always be more effective than the latter.

As we head into 2022, try these techniques to create or reevaluate resolutions that will work for you. Your journey is your own. Remember to celebrate your small wins and treat yourself with grace. Goals and habits don’t just happen overnight. It’s the systems that we create that ultimately allow us to achieve greatness.

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あなたは新年の決意を達成できますか? これらの4つのヒントを参考にしてください






しかし、ミクロの習慣は小さいながらも強力な変化のきっかけです。あなたの習慣を簡単に達成できる日常のアクションに分解してみてください。「 1日5分間読む」という目標を設定するなどが良い例です。時間の経過とともに、これがスケジュールのどこに当てはまるかを評価できます。さらに重要なのは、それを継続したい場合です。基本的に、あなたは最初にあなたの新しい習慣に挑戦しています。これがあなたに合ったものであるなら、あなたは熱心な読者になるというあなたの根底にある決意を達成するための、達成可能な方法を作成しただけです。他の目標でこれをどのように実践したいかということになると、それは本当にあなたとあなたがどのように操作するか次第です。習慣を設定するための万能の解決策はありません。創造性や生産性などが最も高いと感じる時期は個人によって異なります。自分にとって何が効果的かを学び、さまざまな方法をテストして、何がうまくいくかを確認することが最も重要です。

私たちの頭脳は報酬を好むので、あなたの小さな達成を祝ってください。進捗状況を追跡することは、実装しようとしている永続的な変更を後押しするのに本当に役立ちます。行動やタスクを監視するとき、意識的に変化させようとしていなくても、それらを上手くやり始める傾向があることに気づいたことがありますか?ジャーナルまたはメモを取るアプリでこれらの行動を追跡すると、行動を強化するのに役立ちます。私たちが毎日何かをするとき、それは微妙に自動操縦に入り、それを続けるのがはるかに簡単になります。追跡という単純な行為でさえ、目的のためにこのビジョンを設定したことを思い出させるのに役立つのです。多くの人が1月の第1週以降に手放す傾向にある、設定した目標の背後にある「理由」を覚えておくと役立ちます。 「なぜ」につながることが増えれば増えるほど、この変更を維持しなければならない可能性が高くなるからです。

これらが魅力的に聞こえる場合は、習慣を追跡する方法がたくさんあります。Googleの「習慣トラッカー」とあなたは多くの無料の印刷可能なオプションを見つけるでしょう。別のモダリティをお探しの場合は、AtomicHabitsを書いたJamesClearが作成したThe Clear Habit Journalをお試しください。 NYTのベストセラー。グレッチェン・ルービン(https://gretchenrubin.com/)は、習慣空間のもう1つの素晴らしい情報源です。彼女は、人々が絶えず絶賛しているチェーン習慣トラッカーを持っています。どちらのルートを選択する場合でも、習慣を監視することで、最終的には包括的な目標を達成するのに役立つことを知っておいてください。

最後に、最終的に自分に合わない習慣やテクニックを試す場合は、思いやりを持ってください。別のアプローチを試すか、目標を完全に再評価する必要があるかもしれません。他の誰かにとって間違いなくうまくいったことが、あなたにとってうまくいかないときに落胆するのはもっともです。 「私はどうしたの?」という比較の罠に巻き込まれ、「頑張ればできるはず。」と自己疑惑のフレーズを頭の中で繰り返すのではなく、「私は人間的な経験をしている。私には何の問題もありません。さらに重要なことに、私は自分自身について何かを学びました。このツールは私には機能しませんでしたが、別のアプローチを試してみます。」自身に対する思いやりを忘れないことは常に効果的です。

