
Do You Know What Most Superfoods Have in Common?

Dec 1, 2020


When we think of superfoods we commonly think of berries, dark leafy greens, and wine to name a few. Do you know what they all have in common? Quercetin. Without knowing it, you have most likely ingested this bioactive plant compound in the form of red onions, capers, cruciferous vegetables, berries, and grains. According to this review, quercetin is one of the most widely distributed and extensively studied flavonoid that’s found in various food sources. Quercetin has various biological properties including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, radical-scavenging, gastroprotective, and immune-modulatory activities.

What is Quercetin?:
Quercetin is a type of flavonoid which is present in a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, tea, and wine. It’s one of the most bountiful antioxidants in the diet and plays a critical role in assisting your body to combat free radical damage that is linked to an array of chronic diseases.

What Does it Do?:
Much like all flavonoids, quercetin is an antioxidant. Antioxidants help forage and offset free radicals that might otherwise expedite aging, assist inflammation, and sustain a range of chronic diseases from cancer to heart disease. All of which plays a massive role in immune health. Quercetin is a vital gut health nutrient that serves a multitude of functions, including and not limited to the ability to support good gut flora as a prebiotic, immune health, and its antiviral properties. It can also help vitamin C harmoniously prevent over-activation of mast cells, which emit histamine when the body is distressed. Quercetin is a zinc ionophore; think of it as a zinc transport molecule, which helps penetrate zinc absorption further into the body’s cells. When supplementing with zinc, be sure to pair it with an ionophore like quercetin to maximize the effects. Quercetin, zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D are starting to be studied closely for potential preventative care for Covid-19.

Properties / Benefits:

May Reduce Inflammation:
Research shows that copious amounts of free radicals induce genes that promote inflammation. Persistent inflammation is associated with severe health problems. In test-tube studies, quercetin reduced inflammation markers in human cells. In another study that included 50 women with rheumatoid arthritis found that participants who took 500mg of quercetin experienced significantly less early morning stiffness, less overall pain, and reduced after-activity pain.

May Lower Allergy Symptoms:
Another potential benefit to quercetin’s anti-inflammatory properties is lessened allergy symptoms.
In test-tube and animal studies, quercetin has been shown to block enzymes involved in inflammation and histamine suppression.

Anticancer Properties:
Research suggests that due to quercetin’s antioxidant properties, it may have cancer-fighting benefits. In this study, quercetin was found to suppress cell growth and induce cell death in prostate cancer cells.

May Reduce Brain Disorders:
Quercetin is also thought to help protect against degenerative brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

May Reduce Blood Pressure:
In this study, a review in 580 people found that taking more than 500mg of quercetin in supplement form daily helped reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 5.8mm Hg and 2.6mm Hg.

Quercetin is also responsible for helping prevent aging, has exercise performance effects and can aid in blood sugar control.

Quercetin Rich Foods:
Now that we’ve discussed what quercetin is and its beneficial properties it’s important to know where it’s most abundant. Quercetin is found in many plant-rich foods, especially in the outer layer or peel. Below are some of the highest sources of quercetin. For a full list, refer here.

・Bell Peppers (green and yellow)
・Red Onion (Raw)
・Lovage Leaves
・Red Leaf Lettuce
・Red Apples
・Asparagus (Cooked)
・Brussels Sprouts
・Green Tea
・Black Tea

Quercetin is a pretty outstanding nutrient for overall wellness since it supports immunity and has incredible antioxidant properties. Though food sources are abundant for this nutrient, it can be difficult eating more than 100mg of it daily. So if you’re looking to up your immunity, consider supplementing with it; an average dose is 500-1,000mg. If you do add this to your supplement routine, be sure to take it with vitamin C as there are synergistic effects. Lastly, always consult with your physician before trying new supplements, as there could be medication reactions that can potentially come up.

スーパーフードについて考えるとき、私たちは一般的にベリー、濃い葉物野菜、ワインなどを思い浮かべます。 皆さんはそれらすべてに共通するものを知っていますか? それはケルセチンです。 それを知らずに、あなたはおそらく今までこの生物活性植物化合物を赤玉ねぎ、ケッパー、アブラナ科の野菜、ベリー、そして穀物から摂取したでしょう。このレビューによると、ケルセチンは、さまざまな食品源に含まれ最も広く分布し、広く研究されているフラボノイドの1つです。 ケルセチンには、抗酸化作用、抗炎症作用、抗菌作用、抗ウイルス作用、ラジカル消去作用、胃の保護作用、免疫調節作用など、さまざまな生物学的特性があります。

ケルセチンは、さまざまな果物、野菜、穀物、ナッツ、お茶、ワインに含まれるフラボノイドの一種です。 これは食事療法で最も豊富な抗酸化物質を含む物の1つであり、一連の慢性疾患に関連するフリーラジカルによる損傷と戦うために身体を助ける上で重要な役割を果たします。



研究によると、大量のフリーラジカルが炎症を促進する遺伝子を誘発します。 持続的な炎症は深刻な健康問題に関連しています。試験管研究では、ケルセチンはヒト細胞の炎症マーカーを減少させました。 関節リウマチの女性50人を対象とした別の研究では、500mgのケルセチンを服用した参加者は、早朝のこわばり、全体的な痛みが大幅に軽減されました。






ケルセチンとは何か、そしてその有益な特性について説明したので、ケルセチンが最も豊富に含まれている物を知る事が重要です。ケルセチンは、多くの植物、特に外層や皮に含まれています。以下はケルセチンの最高の供給源のいくつかです。 完全なリストについては、こちらを参照してください。


ケルセチンは、免疫力をサポートし、信じられないほどの抗酸化特性を持っているため、全体的な健康のための非常に優れた栄養素です。 この栄養素は豊富に含まれていますが、1日100mg以上食べるのは難しいかもしれません。したがって、免疫力を高めたい場合は、それを補うことを検討してください。 平均用量は500-1,000mgです。 これをサプリメントルーチンに追加する場合は、相乗効果があるため、必ずビタミンCと一緒に摂取してください。最後に、新しいサプリメントを試す前に必ず医師に相談してください。薬の反応が起こる可能性があるためです。